Attention Doctors! Don't Lose Patients to Competitors 

Appear As The 'Go To Clinic' In The Neighbourhood — Get Atleast RM80,000 In Monthly Sales with 50 Patients In A Day...Per Branch!

Claim your FREE 30-minutes strategy call and we'll help you create a professional website, that brings more patients to your clinic, in just 14 days - or we work for free!
  • Advanced SEO
  • Get Appointments
  • 14-Days Completion
  • Moneyback-Guaranteed

Get Your Money Back

100% Refundable If We Underdeliver

Guaranteed SEO

Appear in Google within 30 Days.

Boost Google My Business

Boost your Google My Business Profile.

Appointment System

Simplify appointment scheduling process.

Modern & Minimal

Contemporary design for your clinic website.

Salesperson That Works 24-Hours Per Day, 7-Days Per Week…For FREE!

Imagine having a salesperson working for you 24/7, converting people into patients without any extra effort from you.

They never call in sick, take holidays, or leave to work for a competitor.

Set it up right the first time, and it'll work day and night to bring in appointments or walk-in patients.

You know, clinic competition is getting fiercer in Malaysia. The number of new clinics opening every month might even surpass the number of patients available to be served.

So, how can your clinic stand out from others nearby, where potential patients could easily walk in?

Maybe your competitor has more patients than you, and you're left feeling stuck, unsure of what to do to gain the trust of potential patients.

You might think your clinic has the best location in town, right on the main road and in a high foot-traffic area.

But have you ever wondered why clinics far from public access seem to get more attention than those in densely populated areas?

Having the right location is important, but without proper outreach, you could be losing patients to your competitors. We give an all-in-one clinic website design to assist clinics who are serious about developing their online presence with tailor-made solutions.

Experience The Digital Presence's Transformation For Your Clinic

We don't settle for ordinary and neither should you. Not when you can experience these amazing transformations for your clinic and get more customers you've always wanted. We'll help you beat your competitors by expanding your reach through online platforms.

Traditional Method

Challenging - Unpredicted Cashflow with Limited Reach to Potential Patients
  • Walk-in patients
  • Cars passing by and noticing your clinic
  • Neighborhood patients
  • Banners & Flyers

Digital (New) Methods

Easy - Predicted Cashflow with Unlimited Reach to Potential Patients
  • Booked patients
  • High net-worth patients
  • Patients with panel
  • Returning patients
If you're still relying on traditional methods, you're leaving money on the table. Your competitors are moving ahead, reaching a wider, more valuable patients with higher returning rates that could catapult your clinic business to success.

Without adapting, your clinic might not be able to sustain itself in the long run. The scary reality is that 90% of clinic owners close their business within 5 years, often due to not having enough customers.

So, what's the solution?

Read further...

The 'Only' Way For Clinics To Succeed In this era — GET ONLINE.

Benefits of Having A Website
  • Reach new audiences
  • Nurture existing patients to continue follow-ups
  • Streamline marketing efforts
  • Get more appointments ahead of time
Discover How We Help Klinik Aurora
Klinik Aurora was struggling to reach more people online. Their social media pages were live, but they couldn't showcase their services effectively. They were also losing patients because they couldn't answer everyone's queries on time.

Then, they came to us. We designed a website that centralized their marketing efforts and put their name in Google search rankings through SEO.

The result?
Increase in search queries, impressions and number of clicks to the website.

What Will You Get From Your Free Strategy Consultation Call

Here's what you'll discover during your consultation:
  • Discover how a Professional website that can increase the number of patients and top-line revenue for your clinic.
  • Uncover why do you need a website and how it can help you achieve the business goals.
  • You'll receive a full project timeline and fixed price quote with no hidden fees for getting your website done. We'll breakdown all the costs up front so you know exactly what you're paying for.
  • Plus! We'll also show you samples that we can use to add a unique look to your website.

What's Included in All Packages?

All of our clinic web design packages include the most modern and cutting-edge technologies for a website to run smoothly, which most businesses charge a premium for.

FREE Domain, Hosting & SSL

Powered by ultra-fast and stable Cloud Hosting and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate with .com / .net domain included for 1 Year.

FREE 1 Year Technical Support

Never have to worry about if the website happens to break down. Our team will assist you with anything related to technical issues of the website.

Easy Content Management System

Powered by WordPress, your teammates could easily update the content of your website. Full guidance provided upon project completion.

Professional Web Design Structure

Attract your customer's attention once they step into your website. Responsive, Mobile-Friendly, Minimal, Clean and Professionally Designed.

100% Secured & Protected

No worry, no hassle, we got your back. Offering you 24 Hours Backup, Anti-Spamming, Security Firewall, Bots Protection and Periodically Malware Scanning.

Advanced 3rd Party Integration

Connect with various digital marketing technology which includes Live Chat (Facebook/WhatsApp), Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Facebook Ads, and Google Ads.

How We Transformed a Clinic's Online Presence

See Some Of Our Clinic Websites That Turns Visitors into Patients

We Take The Risk, So You Don't Have To

As our way of standing behind everything we do, Lamanify makes 3 separate guarantees that you will love our clinic website design experiences:

We guarantee we'll finish by agreed deadline, or we give the website for FREE.

Going overschedule can be a massive inconvenience to all of your digital marketing efforts. That is why we Guarantee to have your website finished within the agreed time or Lamanify will refund your moneyback and you can keep your website.

Our 1-Year Quality & Maintenance Check

At Lamanify, we take our work and results seriously, which is why all of our projects come with a complementary 1-year quality assurance check. We’ll ensure your website is up and running without any bugs (or we will fix them right away) to ensure you received a professional-level web development experience. We’ll identify and detect any issues and fix them at no extra cost.

We Guarantee Fixed Price Quote

We offer fixed and transparent pricing for our web design service so you don't have to be scared of any additional cost to get your website up and running. Guaranteed!

All-In Web Design for Clinics with SEO Combo

A complete & hassle-free clinic web design package to fit your business requirements with complimentary SEO package.
Advanced SEO Package
One-Off SEO Package
For Professional & Platinum Packages
Boost your clinic's web online ranking with advanced technical Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that is 100% FREE for both Professional & Platinum packages.
  • FREE 5 Blog Posts
  • Advanced Keyword Research
  • Google Analytics Setup
  • Google Search Console Submission
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Meta Tags Optimization
  • Schema Markup Optimization
  • Alt-Tag Optimization
  • Website Speed Optimization
  • Local Search Optimization
  • Reporting Dashboard
Questions? Consult With Us

Our Website + SEO Combo in Action

Look at our past client's performance after getting the Website + SEO Boost combo from us. You can see jump in Impressions (the number of people seeing your website online) and Clicks (the number of clicks they received organically).
For Mobile View, click the image to enlarge.
Due to privacy issue, we unable to disclose our client’s name for this result. Feel free to schedule a meeting with us, so we can show you who the client is with LIVE result.
Due to privacy issue, we unable to disclose our client’s name for this result. Feel free to schedule a meeting with us, so we can show you who the client is with LIVE result.
Due to privacy issue, we unable to disclose our client’s name for this result. Feel free to schedule a meeting with us, so we can show you who the client is with LIVE result.
Due to privacy issue, we unable to disclose our client’s name for this result. Feel free to schedule a meeting with us, so we can show you who the client is with LIVE result.
Due to privacy issue, we unable to disclose our client’s name for this result. Feel free to schedule a meeting with us, so we can show you who the client is with LIVE result.

Claim Your FREE, No Obligation Strategy Call Today

Speak with our web design expert to explore what are the missing opportunities you haven't explore to grow your clinics further. We're confident that our services can help you take your clinic to the next level. Book your FREE, no-obligation strategy call today!

Start By Filling Up The Form Below

Clinic Form Lead
For us to guide you what is the best practices to grow your clinic's online presence.
We will tailor our advice to meet your needs. So, we advice you to be honest and accurate in providing the information.